Note: While we’ve tried to give you a bird’s eye view of each college that we’ve mentioned below, if you want to know more about a particular college, visit their website (Click on a college name to go to its website.) or Google them. Hence, it is difficult to tell someone which university they can apply to, without actually knowing their entire profile.

This depends on several factors: the overall profile of the candidate, the profile of the average candidate that applies to that university, the strength and brand name of a particular branch in the university, among others. But at the same time, a candidate with a 330 score may not be admitted into the same university.

To illustrate further, a candidate with a 308 score on the GRE may get admitted into a university in the 315-320 range. The GRE score is only one part of the entire application process, and hence it should be understood that one cannot apply to a university based on just the GRE score. Often times, the GRE score doesn’t decide where you study, but your overall profile does. The list has been provided only for reference. Your overall profile has to be really good, and there is an ever so slight chance of getting a scholarship or assistantship if your overall profile is significantly better than the average class profile of the university. To get an admission call from these universities, you’ll need a good GRE score along with good grades/GPA.